On June 8, 2011 Steve-O came to NYC to do a book signing of his book called
Professional Idiot: A Memoir. I think the title is perfect for his book. For those who don't know Steve-O, he is a guy who stars on the show
Jackass. Basically he does insane things that most people would be out of their mind to do.
I got to the Barnes and Nobles where Steve-O would be book signing around 9am, just a few minutes after the store had opened. So far no one had gotten on line and after I purchased my book I headed straight outside to get my spot in line. Luckily I arrived 30 seconds before two people had also shown up to get online. I was first on line. This was the first book signing that I was the first person in line and I thought that was pretty awesome. I had 3 hours to wait before the event would start so I just started to read his book. At first I didn't think I would become interested in his book, but I actually did. He as lead quite an interesting life so far.
Steve-O |
When it was 5 minutes to 12pm I knew I had to get ready if I wanted to see Steve-O come out of his car into the store. I learned to be ready at all times after going to Sugar Ray Lenord's book signing. As I looked to see the line I noticed a lot more people had shown up. The line went around the corner of the store. I wasn't surprised that a lot of people showed up this late. Usually a crowd starts to form when it gets closer to the event. Some reporters from VH1 were waiting for Steve-O's arrival too. I got to stand right next to them. I thought that was cool. Minutes later Steve-O arrived. I was glad I got to get a picture of him because he didn't stop to take pictures he had to get in to the store. This was when he would have to do a few interviews and a quick photo shoot. Turns out this interview would last longer than I had expected. We weren't allowed to line up inside until 12:20pm.
Still inside we had to wait another 20 minutes until the event would start. He was still doing some interviews, so we had to be very quiet. I would try and take a sneak peek of him doing his interview when ever the guard in front of me wasn't looking. I found it to be cool. He seemed very down to earth unlike a very insane guy. What I found to be interesting is that in the interview he mentioned he almost didn't make it to the book signing because earlier that day he had gotten an injury during another interview. I was thinking to myself "Are you serious. This can't be real". Really it shouldn't of been surprising because for one he does crazy stunts and in his book he talks about all of the injuries he has received, and there are a lot of injuries. Luckily he was okay and he was able to make to the event.
Steve-O and Me |
After the interviews just minutes before we were told we could take pictures with him. I kept saying "yay". I was up to meet him and turns out I wasn't first because there were a few people who had to go before me. I wasn't upset about it. I was totally cool about it. When it was my turn to meet him I got nervous. I didn't know what to say. Thankfully the person next to him told him that my shirt said
Normal people Scare Me. He said "That's awesome". And I responded very softly "It's true". I said it so low I don't think he heard me, but 10 seconds later he took a picture with me. I was glad I went to the event. Book signings for me are like adrenaline rushes and I love going to them. I also meet great people and I'm glad I get to go to these events.
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