Jane Lynch |
Jane Lynch |
Jane Lynch is an amazing person. She is the only one who can pull off being Sue Sylvester in Glee. And also she does have some of the best lines. Gleeks you know I'm right. Since Jane Lynch wrote a book called
Happy Accidents this meant she would be doing book signings. And guess what she came to NYC. Just my luck. I really wanted to meet her and I couldn't wait to go to the book signing on 9/20/11. I even prepared my outfit weeks in advanced. Corny yes but who cares. I wanted to be prepared to look my best.
Since the book signing was at 7pm and I knew there would be a lot of people there because this is Jane Lynch from
GLEE. Also I wanted to be in the front row because that is always the best place to be at these events. Don't you agree? So I arrived at the book store around 11:30am. I brought some homework so I would have something extra to do. And of course I did read part of Jane Lynch's book. Which I must say is a very good read. I didn't get to finish reading the book but it such an interesting book. Jane Lynch goes through a lot in her life. So as I wasted several hours of being lazy, homework, reading and eating my friend John showed up around 3pm.
We just started wandering around the store doing really nothing until he got a smoothie. Then we got to do nothing in the cafe while he drank his smoothie. YUM! As usual and my lame detective self I could not stop looking at my phone for the time. What can I say I like to be first. So around 4pm I left John to go upstairs to check out if there was a line. John didn't think there was but I know my stuff. And what do you know I was right. YAY. Even though I wasn't first in line that didn't matter. I was 4th but I was still the first one at the book store. Even though that counts for nothing that still got John and I in the front row.
It gets even better than me being right. Luckily barnes and nobles opened the seating area a bit earlier it gave me the chance to sit and think. What could I be thinking about? I think a lot people who know me ask that question all the time. Well my sister Brooke who is at school really wanted to meet Jane Lynch. In all honesty I really didn't want to waste my phone battery on Brooke. It was already low, so I thought of another solution. How about use the video chat on facebook. This way she can listen and watch the entire book signing. Genius right? Okay probably not but it made Brooke love me even more. What I would do for her. Well it was an even better idea since I had my computer. YAY me. It would suck if I didn't and I had that thought.
While there was still a few hours to go before the arrival of Jane Lynch I was in a bit of a bad mood. I think it was because I really didn't eat much. I didn't really socialize as much as I normally would. I just read the book, annoyed John and sat in my chair. It was actually entertaining.
Jane Lynch |
Jane Lynch |
Finally 7pm comes around and Jane Lynch has not arrived. This is NYC no one is ever on time. Someone in my row actually said that Jane Lynch tweeted she was in traffic. Of course I had to retweet her saying everyone here was very excited and would wait. Around 7pm I started to get ready for Jane Lynch's arrival. I wrote a sign saying "Jane Lynch is MVA (Most Valued Actor)". I then started to get Brooke on video chat. I even told her to think of a question so she could ask Jane Lynch. She was doing a Q and A. So I thought how cool would it be for someone to video chat with a question. Corny, yes I know. It was around 7:30pm and Jane Lynch had arrived. YAY!!! She might of been late but no one cared. Everyone started applauding and cheering. I even held up my sign which she read. Totally awesome. I even held up my computer so she could she my sister. Ironically when Jane Lynch was saying hello she mentioned my sister by saying hi to all those who came out and who are skyping. This was the moment when my sister left her chair to be some where else. It was kind of funny. Then Jane Lynch started taking questions. I kept raising my hand every time so I could ask her a question. Well really ask my sister's question but at least I would get to speak.
When Jane Lynch chose me to ask a question I won't lie I totally felt like I was kick ass. I never asked a question during a book signing that a lot of people would hear. It was really cool. So what did my sister want me to ask Jane Lynch. It was pretty simple. "Will you come to Ball State college in Indiana"? Jane Lynch responds "I will never step foot in Indiana". For those who don't know this was a joke. She then went onto say that since she was booked up, she wouldn't be able to go, but she was going to Chicago. My sister really wanted her to come to Indiana so when the Q and A was finished she planned on trying to convince Jane Lynch to come to Indiana.
The Q and A lasted about 30 minutes. Now it was time for the book signing. I think I was the only person who put a computer in front of Jane Lynch. Brooke was very excited. Brooke tried very hard to convince Jane Lynch to come to her school, but sadly failed. Which was expected because Jane Lynch was booked up. When I went to pick up the computer I almost spilled Jane Lynch's drink. Thank god I didn't. But before I was kicked out I was able to give Jane Lynch the gifts I had for her. I crocheted a scarf for her and got her some fake wooden flowers. So after when I was done I called Brooke back up to make sure she was happy. What do you know she was. YAY!!!! I think it was a great end to a long day.