Hello. Long time no write. Well everybody don't you worry because there are a lot more events I plan on going to.
Ice T and Me |
This week I found out that Law and Order SVU was filming in the city. The best part is that they weren't filming in their studio. YAY. I learned they would be filming on Friday 9, 2011 from 2pm-1am. I had class until 5pm which was perfect because I still could catch the filming. When I arrived around 5:30pm I saw all the trailers were there. At this point I wasn't sure where they were filming. But I do know when ever you see trailers the location is very close. So just like the show I became a detective. I checked every trailer to see what the doors had written on them. It's pretty easy to figure out what trailers are just for costumes and hair and makeup. It's even easier to figure this out when there is someone sitting outside of the trailer and you ask them. I made sure to keep my eyes out for any of the actors just walking around the streets. I had heard from some people that Ice T had been walking around by himself. Ironically when I kept walking back from trailer to trailer I spotted Ice T walking my way. I was thinking to myself OMG that's Ice T. So of course I ran up to him and asked for an autograph and picture. I kept complimenting him on his book and dog. If you haven't watched his reality show then you wouldn't know who the dog is. Ice T was very calm and relaxed. It was pretty cool. When I took a picture of us I told him I would be bad so the first one came out real bad. I got his face and half of my head. He asked to see it and I said "Yes I got half of my head in it". He said to redo it to get a better picture and guess what. It came out to be a better picture.
Me and Kelli Giddish |
For about 45 minutes I kept wandering around walking by the trailers. I then walked by where they were filming the scene. It looked like an interesting scene. I did get to see Ice T working with Kelli Giddish and Danny Pino. It was pretty cool. I was only able to see a rehearsal and then I had to leave because it was a closed set. So I figured I would stay around by their trailers because I knew they would end up back there. As I kept wandering I met these people who wanted to see some of the actors from the show. They were on vacation and it turns out they were firemen. So I decided to show them where the scene was taking place. Ironically while we were walking I noticed Ice T on the sidewalk we were on. I told them look ahead and they had no idea why I said that. I eventually said its Ice T. It was kind of funny because they seemed to be caught off guard. Then when we crossed the street I noticed Kelli Giddish run right passed us to cross the street. So of course I yelled out "Kelli Giddish can I have an autograph"? She said yes but we had to walk with her so all of us ran across the street as fast as we could to keep up. I got to tell her that I saw her doing the photo shoot while I was in a cab. Best part there was a red light so I got to watch a bit. I also said I would of said something but I didn't want to get arrested. She thought it was a bit funny. I then got to take a picture with her and it was awesome.
By this time I was getting the feeling that the scene was over. I still took the group to see where they shot the scene. Sadly we didn't see much, but they were all pretty happy that they got to meet some people.
Me and Mariska Hargitay |
Danny Pino and Me |
So after they left I decided to just hang around the trailers some more. About 25 minutes later I got the shock of my life. I heard one of the production assistants say Mariska Hargitay will be here in a minute. In my mind I was freaking out. Mariska Hargitay is awesome and I couldn't believe I would get the chance to see her in person. I see the car pull up and Mariska Hargitay is talking outside of the window of the car. I'm guessing I looked star struck because I couldn't stop looking. When she got out of the car you could tell she was in costume. Mostly what tipped me off was the gun in the holster on her belt. Not going to lie I thought that was AWESOME and very COOL. She went right into the hair and makeup trailer. Luckily I was standing right in front of the hair and makeup trailer. The production assistant said right after she gets out I can ask for a picture and autograph. She didn't stay in their that long. It was probably about 10 minutes she was in there and came right out. I asked her for a picture and autograph and she said yes. It was totally awesome. And while someone else went up to Mariska Hargitay I realized that Danny Pino was standing right there. So out of no where I say in this very high pitched voice "Oh my god it's Danny Pino". He turned around and then Mariska Hargitay says "Danny Pino" in a high pitched voice. I found it really funny and I told her "come on I had to do that". I was still laughing while I said that. I then asked for a picture and autograph. He said we had to walk with him so he wouldn't be late on scene. I was so happy. I was so happy that I followed them onto the set.
Me and Mehad Brooks |
Luckily they didn't kick me out just yet. I got to watch some of the rehearsals. It looked like a cool scene. And guess what interesting thing I saw on set. Another actor who goes by the name Mehcad Brooks. He stars in the show Necessary Roughness. Some people may know him by Terrence King (character name). When rehearsals let out so the stars could get into their costumes for the scene of course I waited to meet Mehcad Brooks. Luckily I got to take a picture with him and I also got an autograph while he was in costume. I know the picture is a bit blurry but who cares. It's still awesome.
By this time it was 9pm and I was exhausted. I was there for about 4 hours and I had a ton of fun. I am mostly likely going to another one of their filming locations because it was just so much fun.
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