September 10, 2012 I went to a dvd signing at Best Buy in the city. I went with a friend of mine to the dvd signing. I always like meeting directors because I hope to become one one day. I was excited to meet James Cameron. I have to admit I'm not a big fan on Titanic, but I didn't mind getting a dvd of Titanic signed just so I could meet James Cameron.
James Cameron |
James Cameron |
James Cameron |
My friend bought my dvd earlier in the day so we would have a spot on line. We didn't know how crowded it would be so we thought the earlier the better. We got their early around 4pm. The signing started at 7:30pm. At the time barely anyone had shown up. It didn't get crowded until 7pm. At the time I was shocked at how late it was until people started showing up, but at the same time I realized that most people were students and they just started school.
There was a Q and A but only for the film academy students. The Q and A went on for about 45 minutes. Luckily they let everyone that wasn't from the Film Academy go first for the signing. I was exhausted that day because I was in the city since early in the morning. I even fell asleep sitting down on the line.
When I got to meet him he was really cool and very kind. He took his time with everyone he met. He was a down to earth guy and I was glad to have met him. If I could I would meet him again.