I just want to say that this premiere was the most unique premiere I have ever went to. And probably I had one of my lucky days because I got to meet some people I would of not expected to be meeting and it was amazing.
January 10th, 2012 was the day of the premiere of Red Tails at the Zigfield theatre. I was bringing a friend of mine sara to her first movie premiere and of course I was running late and she was already there waiting for me. She even met someone else who was waiting to see the red carpet appearances. When I arrived I saw sara and I will call the girl Amber sitting at a table talking and looking out the window. I brought food for me and sara to eat and we kept out eyes right at the window because something weird was going on and we didn't know why. Normally when there is a movie premiere there are barricades on the opposite side of the road so fans can stand and watch. Well this time there were no barricades and the entire red carpet was in a tent so we really couldn't see anything. I was quite shocked because I never saw this happen before. We finished our food around 5pm and when Sara and I went to throw our food out we both noticed a man who sitting at a table who looked very familiar. Of course I dragged Sara with me to meet the guy. And its no shock I made her ask who he was. I've done it so many times I figured she should start feeling more comfortable with people and start asking who they were. Turns out the man we knew looked familiar was no other then Chuck Knight. He was going to the premiere and he was just waiting until it started just like us. The only difference is that he had a ticket to go in and we didn't. Well after we had a small conversation with him Sara, Amber and I went outside. As the time got closer to 6pm we started to get nervous. Something just didn't seem right. We were standing across the street from the opening to the red carpet. I could understand the tent because it was FREEZING outside, but not the barricades. When it did start we saw a few people arrive but none of them stopped to say hi. They all were pushed in and were put on the red carpet. I think security did that because they wanted things to go on a schedule. Which is understandable but some people didn't really take that well to that. After a while and seeing some celebrities we got to meet Terrance Howard. He came out of the car on our side and he stopped to take one picture. He was on a time limit and it was nice of him to take at least one picture. Then security escorted him to the red carpet and we all went to back to standing on the sidewalk. More cars kept stopping and letting people off but it was very hard to see. Sara went to the the entrance to the theatre and when she got a good spot she told us to come along. Now this spot was actually a lot better. We could see the end of the red carpet and some of the celebrities were coming out of the theatre.
Bon Jovi |
Me and Tia Mowry |
Most of the celebrities on the red carpet went inside to the theatre so at first really I didn't get to see anyone. While I was standing and waiting for someone to come around I started looking at the cars. Random I know but I saw this man in a red jacket come out. I started to think wait a minute he looks familiar. And of course he looked familiar because it was no other than Bon Jovi. I really didn't expect him to be there but then again you never really know who is going to show up at a premiere. Then to another surprise of mine I got to meet Tia Mowry. I was shocked because I always thought it would be cool to meet her since I'm also an identical twin. And also my sister Brooke and I tell everybody that I was with my mom while shopping and she was with her dad shopping and that's how we met. If you don't know what I am talking about, I am refereeing to the show Sister Sister which Tia and Tamera Mowry starred in. Of course I kept yelling this out to her. I was glad she heard it too. I told her I was an identical twin and asked her if she was older or younger. Sadly she said younger. Sorry but I'm older and us older twins got stick together. Yes I enjoy being the older twin. But I was able to get over it after we both had the two minute difference between our sisters. She said I was funny and of course I kept trying to be funny. And as usual I wasn't. But she was really cool.
Me and David Bugliari |
Then after again waiting for a little bit Terrance Howard came out. He came out with a few people and I wasn't excited to see Terrance Howard but one of the people who was with him. When I saw this guy come out of the theatre I was like "OMG". And to make sure this was the right man I yelled out "Are you Alyssa Milano's husband"? The man I was excited to see was David Bugliari. When he was about to go back into the theatre I ran up to him and asked if he was Alyssa Milano's husband. I am a huge Charmed fan and also an Alyssa Milano fan. When he said yes I got very excited. I kept telling him how much of a fan I was of his wife's. I then asked him if I could take a picture with him. He seemed surprised that I asked him that. I was so glad that he said yes. He came out of the theatre again and of course I still bugged him. He was really cool because I was talking to him a lot.
Ne-yo |
Tristan Wilds |
Me and Chuck Knight |
Me and Cuba Gooding jr |
After the movie the stars started to pour out. Ne-yo and Tristan Wilds came out. A lot more celebs came out like James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson but I couldn't get any pictures. When the movie let out it went crazy. So many people came out all at the same time. I did get to meet Chuck Knight afterwards and get a picture with him. Then Cuba Gooding jr came out and I was having fun with him. I kept yelling out I will pay you $5 for a picture. Then I said no you pay me $5. I was having a lot of fun and of course I kept talking. He said "You got a lot to say". I said " I know that's what my mom says... then she says be quiet". He laughed. I was just having a ball and I got to take a picture with him. He's a really down to earth funny guy.
Terrance Howard and Me |
Well after I was done taking pictures I made a last choice decision to go to the after party. But on the way I passed a hotel where some people were staying at. I will not name the hotel but I can tell you I met Terrance Howard there. He was a nice guy. I got to take a picture with him. I then saw David Bugliari again.
I felt like I had bothered him so much that I went to apologize to him. He is a very sweet genuine nice guy. He said that it was fine and I told him I tweeted the picture to his wife. He said that he would tell her and of course I had to say my twitter name ashtv43. Later that night when I got home I checked my twitter and Alyssa Milano had tweeted me
@Ashtv43 My husband had a nice time meeting you last night and said you were very sweet. Thank you for your support. ~HUGS~
I thought he might of been to busy to remember to even tell her. I started dancing and screaming around my room at 1am when I read the tweet. I was just so happy.
I went to the after party and I was able to meet George Lucas but my phone died so I couldn't get a picture with him. I must say I hadn't had this much fun in such a long time. I was glad I didn't miss this for the world!!! |
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