Where my Gleeks at? Alright Gleeks who remembers the week of April 25,2011 to April 29, 2011? If you don't know the week I'm talking about then let me tell you. It's the week Glee came to NYC to film the finale.
Corey Monteith taking pictures |
Day 1: At around 11am I went to go find Glee's filming location. I found out they were filming by the Fox building and since this was my first time in the city by myself I thought I would never find the building. But I proved myself wrong because I found the location with in 5 minutes and I was surprised at how many young girls there were. You would of thought they were in school cause it was a school day, but they had some cool parents who let them skip school that day. On each side of the building there were about 3 trailers each. The side that I was on there were cast members in the trailers. This was the side of the building where I met my friends Gaby and Maria. We got in a group of 10 girls who were gleeks and we decided to team up to find out where each cast member was. The first cast member I saw was Corey Monteith. He got swarmed by 30 girls and I couldn't get a picture with him, but I got a great one of him. He was taking a picture with another girl, and it was the best picture I got of him that day. I also saw Lea Michele pass by us, and she had a ton of guards walking with her. Later on in the day after running back and forth from each side of the building to catch a glimpse of a cast member there was some luck. Because Chris Colfer came out of the make up trailer to go to another trailer, and then Ashley Fink also followed Chris Colfer into his trailer. By that time a lot of the fans had left and went to the next filming location. I can tell you this if your going to try and sing a glee song you have to be good at it because if your bad they won't come out. But if you yell "We Love You Chris". Now that got Chris Colfer to open his door and say thank you. A little bit later he and Ashley Fink had to go to their next filming location which was at Gershwin Theatre. Nothing really happened there. They all went into the theatre and didn't come out to take pictures or autographs. They did film the scene where Rachel and Kurt sing For Good by Wicked.
Lea Michele and Corey Monteith |
Me and Kevin Mchale |
Me and Diana Agron |
Glee Cast waiting to film |
Me, body guard and Ashley Fink |
Me and Harry Shum jr. |
Day 2: Glee filming in Central Park was a great day. I met Gaby in the city and we took the subway and went to central park. Let me tell you it's easy to get to central park, but trying to find places in that park is crazy. At first we had no idea where we were going but after a bit we found the glee casts trailers. We then headed to where they were filming. The scene they were filming was Rachel and Finn on the bridge. After several takes of filming that scene Maria met up with us. We then headed over back to the trailers where Kevin Mchale came out and started to sign autographs. I was so glad that I got to take a picture with him and get an autograph. He was really a cool guy especially in about 83 degree weather. A few minutes later we saw some girls come from the other side of the trailers and said they got to meet a few other cast members. So we all ran for the other side of the trailers. Now this is where I got to meet a few more cast members. The first was Diana Agron and she was the sweetest person you could ever meet. She made sure to get everyone an autograph and picture to who ever wanted. I was glad when I got both. Then I got to meet Heather Morris. What's really funny is that I kept calling her Heather Morrison and I didn't realize that I was doing that until Gaby told me. I could only get an autograph because she had to go. They all then went on set to film their park scene for the musical number. I got to say "You rock" to Corey Monteith and he said "No you rock". I thought that was pretty cool. After being at Central Park for a few hours the cast headed to their next filming location. They filmed at Lincoln Center. If you remember the scene where the cast danced around the fountain, that's the place. I watched them film several takes before I decided to go to the trailers. When each cast member was finished filming their scenes they went back to their trailer. If anyone watches tmz and saw the clip called "Mark Sailing Fleeing" I was in that. I was the girl with the black backpack and I was holding a notebook and a pen. I will post the link on the bottom of the blog. Luckily I got to meet Ashley Fink. I saw her walking down the street with her body guard and I was telling her how cool she was and she was so kind about it. I asked for a picture and she said she had to wait until she could sign out. So I waited outside of her trailer for a few minutes, and next thing I know she came out with out the body guard knowing. She told him that I had been waiting here for a while and that I wanted a picture. I was like OMG that is so freaking cool. As you can see in the picture the body guard is behind us and doesn't look happy. I didn't know he was there until after but it looks funny, and I want to say the body guard is a really cool guy. After the picture she had to go back into the trailer. Then I went across the street to see if I could get anyone else. Luckily I got to meet Harry Shum jr. At the time he was exhausted and I don't blame him. Having to film all day in 80 degree weather dressed for winter is just insane. In the picture he looks exhausted and he was still nice enough to let me take one with him.
Me and Matthew Morrison |
Day 3: This day was a short day. They filmed inside of the Intercontinental hotel. Since the filming took place inside the hotel, none of the cast really came outside. Mark Sailing and Ashley Fink came outside to give out an item that they made from masking tape and straws while on the set. One lucky fan got to take it home. There was word that Matthew Morrison would be the only one coming back to his trailer, I decided to head toward the trailers. They said he would be back around 9pm and at the time it was around 4pm. Still I didn't care I wanted to meet him. So me and 4 other girls stayed by the trailers for a few hours. Then as luck would have it Matthew Morrison came back to his trailer at 8:30pm. Then there were a few more fans coming over to the trailers. Then when he came out to get in his car, he stopped and took pictures with his fans. He look exhausted but he was so cool about it. I'm glad I got a picture with him.
Day 4: On the fourth day of filming I was not able to go, but I heard that it was another inside filming location.
Corey Monteith taking a picture of fans |
Ryan Murphy |
Me and Ian Brennan |
Day 5: The final day of filming was so sad. It meant that Glee would have to go back to LA. In the afternoon they filmed at Washington Square Park. You might remember the scene where Mercedes is pushing Artie with two hot dogs in his hands and Santana and Britney are right next to them. It was a lot of fun to watch them film that scene. Corey Monteith even came on to the set and actually took a picture of the fans. I even got a picture of Ryan Murphy. After a few hours they finished filming the scene and headed to their next location which was like 15 to 20 blocks away. Since it was still day light they had to just set up and wait until it got dark. I was with Maria and Gaby and we decided to just walk around and get dinner. While we were walking we ran into Ian Brennan. One of the creators and writers of Glee. I asked if we could take a picture with him and he said of course. He is such a sweet guy I started to talk to him about how he got into the film industry and he told me he started off as an actor in the city. He then got pulled into writing by writing a play. I thought it was really cool. I got to get a picture with him and his autograph. As we were leaving I asked him do you have any good ideas to get other glee cast members to get out of their trailers and he said "just say you were in spring awakening with them". I found that to be very funny. After a few hours passed and it became 9pm Glee started to continue filming. It was really hard to see where I was standing to watch them film the scene. While I was standing trying to see out of no where the producers started yelling "GET ON THE SIDEWALKS NOW" and then we saw a truck driver jump into his truck and move the truck as fast as he could. Then there were producers taking down the lights for the scene. This occurred in almost under a minute. A few seconds later we could hear sirens and before we knew it the streets were cleared and a fire engine was flying past by. I have never seen people move that fast before in my life. After that happened I decided to move around the block to see if I could get a better spot to watch the scene. Luckily I did and I got to watch Lea Michele and Corey Monteith film the scene where they walk together and get serenaded. I could only see Lea Michele and Corey Monteith but it was still cool. I stayed there for another hour and a half watching and then decided to leave. They were going to be filming until around 2am and I doubt any of them would stop to take a picture. In the end it was an AMAZING experience and if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would.
Here is the link to the tmz clip of "Mark Sailing Fleeing"
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