On September 28, 2011 I had no idea what I would be doing that night. Alright I lied I figured I would have class, but my night class got canceled and my first class ended early. Wait it gets even better the book store where Taye diggs would be at was only 2 BLOCKS AWAY!!! I felt like I had luck on my side. It seemed like it would be an easy adventure. Well I had a few surprises on the way.
The book signing started at 5pm and I was running late. It was 5:30pm and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to make the book signing. So as soon as class ended I called the bookstore and I was so thankful that the book signing had not even started. When I got outside I ran. Turns out I am not a great runner. I gave it about half a block and gave up. I just started to speed walk. I finally arrived at the book store after about 20 minutes. I did get a little lost but it was only when I was less then half a block away.
Shane West and Taye Diggs |
Taye Diggs |
Let me tell you I had no idea what kind of a book Taye diggs had written. I thought it was an autobiography of his career. Can you believe how shocked I was when I walked into a children's book store. I got on line and waited to buy the book
Chocolate Me by Taye Diggs. When I did I found out not many people were going to get their book personalized. All the books were signed previously and Taye Diggs was just going to personalize it. Another surprise that I got was when I saw another person with Taye Diggs. Turns out there was another writer, Shane West. I honestly had no idea who Shane West was but he seemed very cool. Since I had come late I had expected to be waiting for a while. I was very wrong. Most of the people there were under the age of 5 years old. Those kids were so happy when they got to meet Taye diggs that after they met him they started to cry. That would of been really cute if that did happened but instead the kids cried before and after they met him.
Taye Diggs and Me |
I was number 36 in line. I was holding my
Chocolate Me book waiting to get it signed. I did meet some other people who were waiting to meet Taye diggs and had no children with them. I have to say I think the children out numbered the adults. The kids were in complete control of the book store. Well at least I thought so. Finally it was my turn to get my book signed. I asked Taye Diggs if I could get a picture with him and luckily I did. It was pretty cool. I even told him he should play a lawyer in glee for his wife's character since it looked like she would be needing one. He said you should write about it. I responded with I did for Julie Andrews and then I tried to continue with his character story line of then marrying his wife's character. By the way if you read my blog I will ask all people to be on Glee. What can I say I'm a GLEEK. Then I met Shane West and I got him to sign my book. He found the name I chose to get personalized very interesting. I asked for the book to be personalized as ABBA. I know first thought is to the music group ABBA. But no this was actually My sister Brooke's and my initials. I decided I would share a signed book with her from Taye Diggs. I explained it to Shane West and he just thought it was a cool way to get a book personalized that way.
I have to say even thought it was a bit crazy in the beginning it was a lot of fun going to this book signing. Even if there were a lot of screaming kids.