Hey everybody. I know I haven't been posting a lot lately, but don't worry. I have been a little busy but I am still working hard on trying to meet celebrities. Which leads me to this post being about at the letterman show. I think this was last week. I forgot the exact day.
I didn't have tickets to the Letterman show but I did know where the guests would enter into the studio. So I decided to go an hour before the guests would show up. This day was going to have Bill Cosby, Mark Harmon and Mike Judge. Bill Cosby was filming the second show since on thursday they film two episodes. I had promised my dad that I would try and get an autograph from Mark Harmon because he liked to watch the show NCIS.
David Arquette and Me |
I sat by the area that was gated off for fans to wait. I was really hoping to meet Mark Harmon. Well as more and more people start to show up there was an unexpected guest who walks by us. Who could it be other than David Arquette. It was really cool to meet him. He came over after one person started yelling for him to come over. For him to do that was really cool especially since all he was doing was walking by. I even got to take a picture with him.
Probably about 40 minutes later Mike Judge arrived. I really didn't know much about him except that he created the show Beavis and Butthead. He turned and waved to us and then went into the studio. Then not to long after Mark Harmon arrived and also went straight into the studio.
I knew they would be coming out with an hour so I decided to wait. So fast forward time and then we see a car getting ready for someone to be leaving. Who is it but none other than Mark Harmon. I guess he had to go somewhere because he jumped into the car and just left. Of course some people ran after his car when he stopped at a red light. And of course I was one of those people. Sadly he didn't open his window to sign autographs.
Mike Judge |
I ran back to maybe meet Mike Judge. Even if I didn't know much about him it would still be cool to meet him and get an autograph. What was really cool is when he came out no expected him to come over, but he did. It was really cool, he was taking pictures with people and autographing pictures for people. I got his autograph and was completely shocked. He actually printed his name out and I have never met a person who prints their name. Most just scribble lines or some weird marks as a signature. He was really a nice guy. I was glad that I waited for him. Well of course I could have left that moment but I decided not to. I thought it would be cool to actually meet Bill Cosby. I was told he will autograph for people but he has security collect the stuff and he signs inside. I must say that is kind of smart. He's getting to a bit older and he probably doesn't like standing outside long. My wait wasn't that long. He came about 40 minutes later. I got to see him in person which was cool. I'm not upset that I didn't get a picture. Just seeing him in person and getting an autograph was enough for me.
It was a good day for meeting celebrities. I think I might go back to the Letterman show to meet some of their guests.